The overall high cost of fossil fuels is being revealed because various forms of green energy are now cheaper than ever. Dependable, inexpensive power sourced from nature has become one of the keys to improving the lives of millions of people in the developed world and also in developing countries. Communities in developing countries have had to depend on petroleum-based fuels that are either produced at a high cost or imported at a hefty price by their governments. There is now a strong movement by some utility companies but mainly through independent generators and distributed generation to provide sustainable energy on a regional level in developing countries. Independent energy traders, that focus on the specific local needs and opportunities


Socioeconomic Obstacles to Progress

Numerous problems need to be overcome to bring green energy systems to developing countries. These obstacles are mostly socioeconomic and include a technological clash between people that embrace new technologies and those used to the old ways. Land availability in reasonable distances to consumption can also pose a challenge. There are also funding limitations by the governments of these countries to make sure that needed generation and transmission capacities to grow industrial investment and housing developments are deployed as needed. This lack of investment also affects their poorest citizens preventing them from having access to cheaper energy consistently. Today, smart integrated renewable energy systems are being built to serve these communities, providing them with electricity at a fraction of the cost.


Devising a System for Sustainable Energy

For a typical smart integrated renewable energy system to work efficiently, collaboration is necessary between different generators and prosumers. Harnessing wind power, solar power and other renewable energy resources is key. The production of synthetic fuels like hydrogen, ethanol and ammonia is added to the equation. Electric generation units are also part of these systems, along with computerized smart energy systems control centers. All of these are utilized to create an energy supply structure that can provide sustainable energy to industrial developments and communities. When these are all interconnected, very little energy is lost without it being transferred between different consumers, ultimately establishing a sustainable energy model.


Saving Energy with Demand Response

All of this energy should be contained in a demand response system that adjusts itself to the changing needs of industry and inhabitants of these regions, and overconsumption is limited. It has been observed that different industries and communities can control their demand for limited periods of time thus preventing shortages access or excess investment in reserve margins. With the active support of trading experts and modern utilities, the system adjusts to this automatically, saving lots of money in the process. The energy supply is allocated to each level of the community as needed, and long-term financial risks are avoided.