We have always seen renewable generation and the reduction of energy consumption as a strong commitment to the environment and in this context, Mexico has developed several very successful and widely known and disclosed measures. In this article I want to highlight important additional effects that are not so widespread but are critical for the development of a competitive business base. I also want to highlight the advantages of being leaders in the adoption of new avant-garde regulations.

Mexico has very successful global companies in very important sectors such as food and beverages, chemicals, cement, auto parts, among others. A swift and decisive adoption of environmental and efficient regulations opens up important business opportunities for local entrepreneurs, allowing the creation of new dynamic and dynamic sectors with successful companies globally.

We have many areas of opportunity linked to specific characteristics of Mexico that should guide public policy. One of the most powerful trends is its growing urbanization, even though it is the largest metropolis in the world is characterized by the large number of intermediate cities and important poles of regional development with many different industrial, commercial, touristic turns, etc.

In a very similar vein, we have mobility issues and important reform issues such as the creation of independent gas stations. Today, with good reason, we celebrate the creation of new companies in the industry and celebrate the opening of gas stations (opening that was implemented in the rest of the world decades ago). In addition, in Mexico City, but also in Queretaro and other cities, the use of natural gas instead of gasolines in public transport is being promoted and creating support mechanisms for electric charging stations.

If we want successful entrepreneurs in these new sectors, the regulation of service stations (not gas stations) must cover NGV supply (Natural Gas Vehicle) and electric recharge stations. Obviously not everything and not always in the same place, but we cannot ignore the effort to reduce pollution in several cities and the cost efficiency associated with the use of NGV for public transport. We must have the concept of boosting the presence of these services as well as we feed a virtuous circle that will detonate the use of these new fuels.

Another important business opportunity is being generated around energy efficiency issues. We have many opportunities to detonate highly innovative and competitive companies in design and engineering, but also in products such as insulating materials, heaters and air conditioners, automation and control equipment.

Innovation in control and automation issues allows electricity users to flex demand and respond to signals such as market prices. Modern Qualified Suppliers create this bridge towards increasingly efficient markets and support users not only to “buy cheap” but also to reduce electricity consumption and power requirements, thus helping the entire national electricity system require less investment in its generation.

An innovative regulation thus becomes a fundamental tool of economic policy.

In the purely electric field, distributed generation, micro networks, Smart Grid (or REI smart grid); and storage are transforming the generation and consumption patterns.